Get guaranteed results backed by a Performance Guarantee!

Performance GuaranteeWhen used in accordance with label instructions, Grazon Extra will achieve greater than 90 per cent control [of woody plants] two years following application of product:

  • when applied by high volume foliar spray technique
  • when correct operating equipment is used for the foliar spray application (i.e Knapsacks and 12 volt sprayer equipment are not suitable for control of woody plants like blackberry and lantana greater than 60 cm high)
  • under suitable growing conditions (i.e actively growing, non-stressed plants)

Where Grazon Extra does not achieve this level of control, taking into account the circumstances of use and verification that label instructions have been followed, Corteva AgriSciences will offer a one-time full product replacement*.


* As conditions may vary from property to property, performance characteristics of product may vary. Corteva Agriscience shall not be liable for any loss or damage or non-performance or under-performance of product as a result of use/application. under abnormal conditions or contrary to label instructions. The one-off product replacement represents Corteva Agriscience’s total liability and landowner’s exclusive remedy arising from the use of the Product.

Woody Weed Control Guide


Use the controls at the bottom of the page to get the most from this useful new tool from the Woody Weed Specialists.

Find out more

We’re here to help you control woody weeds

We have developed some resources for you to use to help you better control the weeds on your property and manage your land.