How to kill capeweed

Access all the information needed for control of this noxious weed, including weed identification, herbicide application and spray timings.


Capeweed description

Capeweed identification

Capeweed is a low growing, semi-upright plant, which means that the stems of the plant don’t grow straight up in the air, they grow out at an angle to the ground to form a rosette. This growth continues until the plant starts to mature and produce flowers, which tend to grow more vertically and can reach up to 30 cm in height.

Capeweed leaves are elongated in shape ranging 5–25 cm long and 2–6 cm wide, with each leaf broken up into tooth-shaped sections that run from the base of the stem to the tip. The leaves themselves can be slightly hairy on the upper surface, with a white felt-like underside.

The flowers are usually about 2–6 cm across with dark purple centres and numerous yellow petals.

Capeweed control

How to kill capeweed

Different application methods can be used to treat capeweed depending on the size of the infestation. Small infestations can be physically removed or treated with Vigilant II by applying to 50% of the leaves of the plant.

For more extensive infestations, use Grazon Extra as a foliar spray at 1.5 mL/1 L of water.

Herbicides for killing capeweed

Product#Method of applicationRate*State
Grazon® Extra Herbicide Foliar spray 150 mL/100 L of water All
Garlon® 600 Foliar spray 80 mL/100 L of water Tas
Vigilant® II Herbicide Leaf wiping Neat: wipe over 50% of leaf area All
Lontrel® Advanced Herbicide Boom application 1 L/ha All
Colex-D® Herbicide Boom application 2.3 – 3.84 L/ha All

# Note: Preferred product option in bold.  * Consult label for details of growth stage and use, especially where range of rates is given.

Treatment timing

Timing to kill Capeweed

The best way to minimise the impact of capweed is to treat new infestations early before the plants reach the flowering stage.

Grazon® Extra Herbicide
Vigilant® II Herbicide
Key: Best time to spray/treat Can spray/treat if conditions are suitable Do not spray/treat