Mix with diesel or Biosafe (these act as penetrants) and apply as a basal bark or cut stump application. Access is NOT designed to be mixed with water.
Both the basal bark and cut stump application methods should be applied at very low pressures from the knapsack and the nozzle adjusted to very coarse, to a point where the mixture will stream/dribble out and not spray or mist.
a) Basal bark application
Using a knapsack or small pressure sprayer, apply the spray mix to the stems or trunk of the target weed from the ground up to a height of 30 cm (the base, hence basal bark). Ensure that the entire circumference of the stems or trunk is treated.
Ensure that the sprayed surface is wet to the point of run-off. Where possible, ensure buds at or below the soil surface are treated.
For weeds with multiple stems, ensure each one is treated around the entire circumference.
Basal bark treatment is generally effective when weed stems are up to 5 cm in diameter. When stem diameter exceeds 5 cm, a cut stump application is recommended.
b) Cut stump application
First, cut the tree/sapling leaving an exposed stump. Ideally the cut stump surface will be horizontal to the ground to prevent chemical run-off. Using a knapsack or small pressure sprayer, apply the spray mix to the cut surface of the trunk, the sides of the stump and any roots above the soil surface.
It is important that the spray mix be applied immediately after the stem is cut to maximise the penetration into the stump.
Ensure that the sprayed surfaces are thoroughly wet.
Videos demonstrating the correct techniques for both basal bark and cut stump applications can be accessed here.
c) ThinLine™ application
Videos demonstrating the correct technique for ThinLine application can be accessed here.