Sifton bush control

Access all the information needed for control of this noxious weed, including weed identification, herbicide application and spray timings.


Sifton bush description

Sifton bush identification

Sifton bush, also known as the ‘Chinese shrub’, is a perennial shrub native to Australia. It has one main stem with multiple smaller stems branching off this. It typically grows between 1 and 2 m tall but has been known to grow to 3 m. Seedlings are quite erect and resemble tiny pine trees.

Sifton bush control

Controlling sifton bush

Slashing, physical removal and chaining will aid control if carried out between mid February and mid March. However, with its huge seed production and ability to establish on bare or infertile ground, sifton bush has spread into areas that are stressed by over-grazing or drought, and can therefore thrive to replace useful pastures.

Herbicides for control of sifton bush

Product#Method of applicationRate*State
Grazon® Extra Herbicide Foliar spray 500 mL/100 L of water + surfactant All

# Note: Preferred product option in bold.  * Consult label for details of growth stage and use, especially where range of rates is given.

Treatment timing

Timing for sifton bush

Grazon® Extra Herbicide
Key: Best time to spray/treat Can spray/treat if conditions are suitable Do not spray/treat